Tuesday, November 11, 2008

i love him


it's his birthday today. that means chicken alfredo for dinner. for some reason, whenever it's his choice as to what we eat for dinner, he requests that dish. and chocolate cream pie for dessert (it's good chocolate cream pie, so it makes sense).

so here's to manly, my best friend. thanks for saving the red starburst candies for me.

ps is there anything more attractive than a man with a baby strapped to his chest? i think not!


tara said...

Happy birthday Ryan! Thank you for humoring me whenever I pop by to play with your wife.

And I hope you also raise a glass for the Veterans today too. It's a great day for celebration.

juleen said...

Happy Birthday Ryan!
and many happy returns

{Erica} said...

I dig your blog and check it often. You emailed me about MPM...wanna do it this coming monday...let me know erica.grover@gmail.com

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday, Ryan! Did you ever get that printer you were looking at?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ryan! Have a good one!