Tuesday, December 16, 2008

phamily photos

there is no such thing as all four of us being in the same frame and looking good. no such thing. there is also no such thing as two of us being in a picture together and looking good (that's how bad we are).

this december month has got me doing all sorts of preparations for the holidays. this includes christmas cards. which makes me think: i need to include a picture! so i've been trying to take one. and trying. and trying. this even inlcuded me wandering the perimeter of my parent's newly remodeled home and trying all the doors and windows until i found one and we took one inside the room that will soon be the computer/office room. those pictures were terrible. plus, i looked fat (i did. i know because i told my mother this and she said, "you do not!" then i showed her and she didn't say anything. this did not offend me. this is an example of why i love her). i looked fat because i was using a box the remodelors left behind and my camera and the timer button. i would push the button, urge ava to use her pretty smile and not her creepy scrunchy smile and then run to sit next to ryan and not lean forward. because ryan has a small head and i might have a big head and when i sit next to him and lean forward in pictures his head looks teeny-tiny and i look, well, fat.

i refuse to not include the family photo because i hate it when people don't include theirs. i want to see everyone! especially if they've had a baby. and i really want people to include cheesy, badly-written bragging letters that make other people's eyes glaze over. i eat those up. and i laugh. sometimes i call ryan to read them out loud to him. his eyes glaze over when i do this so i can't do it when he's driving in the car.

so, does anyone have any suggestions or stories of a similar thread which will make me feel better? also, i will get a cute family picture if it kills me. or if i just have to tie ava's hands down so she stops wiggling and saying, "seth's tickling me!" because he is not.


Katie said...

well, i'm excited to see your pictures. i hope all is well with your little family. :) i miss you and wish you well. email me some time when you get a chance...

Anonymous said...

Ughhh I feel your pain. I have been trying to get me and ben in a picture for christmas cards for two weeks now, and no luck! we are working against the clock, unfortunately... we only have about six hours of daylight right now and it's while we're both at work :(

you should email me your address so i can send you a christmas card! don't be surprised if it doesn't have a picture in it though! hehehe ;) (missmolly@gmail.com)

Freckles said...

Hey I want to send you one of those badly written bragging letters, but I need you address! E-mail me please. : ) Good luck with the photo! I think the person running back and forth always looks bad in tripod shots. haha

Amber Marie said...

That post made me laugh. a lot. We are totally not even doing a letter this year. I really have a good excuse, however the whole picture issue is a big part of it!

Good luck :) What about several pictures? Might be easier...

redstarmama said...

I am going to post a photo on my blog just for you, which perfectly details our family photo experience this year.

juleen said...

welcome to family life. We're all fighting the same game. We love whatever you send, so grin and mail it. We all can't wait to see. I need you address too so please email it.

Jamie Pearson said...

Hey how are you doing? I found your blog through Juleen I hope you don't mind. I can't believe how big your kids are getting they are so cute. Sounds like you are doing great. You guys look great!

Anonymous said...

I just mailed your Christmas card. Alas, it has no pictures nor long braggy letter. I apologize in advance of your receiving it.