Tuesday, May 26, 2009


the new laptop is here and i was so excited about it in the car i kept annoying ryan. not on purpose, of course. but nonethless, the man was annoyed. i could tell by the way he was grinding his teeth. it could have been the random squeals and the need to grab on to whatever part of him i could reach and shake. yeah, that sounds pretty annoying.

the positive side: well, i can use the internet. also, the computer doesn't take so long doing things it forgets what it started doing in the first place and begins telling me about what it was like to live during prohibition. i am grateful. there are only so many stories i can handle about alcohol that was made in the bathtub.

also, everything is nice and clean and portable and fast and capable. . .

the down side: well, today i learned just how bad my computer monitor was. and how bad all of those photos i've been taking and trying to edit have been. and i feel glum about many things. one being my photography and how hard i've worked just to see that everything looks awful. i feel so terrible that i've taken pictures for people and edited their pictures and made them ugly. i owe you all. big time.

the good news is that i can fix all that. no more ugly pictures (no more excuses, anyway)! if i have taken your pictures and offered you something ugly, i owe you new ones. and nicole, you lucky duck, i waited to edit your pictures on the new laptop instead of the old desktop, so you have nothing to worry about.

i'm excited for the things i'm going to learn. i'm excited to access the internet with a swiftness that spells more frequent trips. and i'm excited to actually produce decent pictures.

i feel unstoppable.


The Pickled Red Herring said...

Ha ha! I laughed about the prohibition comment. And unfortunately the other downside is that you'll have to buy another new computer in 2 years. Mine has reached the 2-year-old age mark and has one foot in the grave; however, I'm hatching a plan to wait out the next two years so I can SKIP a generation and buy my next computer THEN! Not sure yet how that will work out.

Nicole said...

you did an awesome job too, we are lucky you didn't edit on that nasty old desktop!