Monday, January 4, 2010

old, old, old

rodge and i share a deep love for old, abandoned houses. our love separates where i want to live in one and fix it up my way and he wants to never live in one, but to live in something new and nice.

we love to explore old and abandoned houses. we have been known to climb the roofs of these houses and attempt to break in.

i love this about us.

ps if you're looking for the weekly picture (and let's be honest, you totally are), i've moved that little feature next door, to the photoblog.


redstarmama said...

You need to come to where I live and see all of the lovely tumbledown houses here. It's one of my favorite things about this area.

Jamie Pearson said...

old abandon house are so great. We have a ton of them out here as well as lots of old barns and silos. Love this pictures