Sunday, June 21, 2009

happy father's day

one time when i was younger i had a nervous breakdown. and do you know what my dad did? he came in to the room and held my hand while i slowly gained control of myself again. that was exactly what i needed.
he can wiggle his eyebrows.
when i was little and he was standing across a room from me he'd raise one hand and wiggle his fingers at me.
he loves my mom.
he used to sing me to sleep at night.
he can hold seth for hours at a time.
he works hard.
he passed his love for music on to me.
he called my american doll "little buckteeth". it made me so mad.
he read to me.

he is a great dad.

happy fathers day.

1 comment:

Manda said...

We have the best Dad, hands down.