Friday, June 6, 2008

27 weeks

today i am 27 weeks. that is 3 weeks until i have 10 weeks to go. doesn't it sound much happier that way? i mean, like it just might happen eventually?

the other morning i woke from a baby seth dream and NOT the stressful kind, like where i leave him at church and don't remember until the next morning and when i rush over, every thing's all locked up and he's in there, just sleeping in his carrier. ugh.

and not the weird kind either. like the time i dreamt i was giving birth and he came out feet first, but it was altogether rather pleasant. the doctor just grabbed him by the ankles and tugged and he just slid out, arms over his head like he'd been sliding. and i thought, 'that wasn't so bad. why don't they let them out feet first more often?'

this was the pleasant kind. i had a baby and he was cute. he had dark hair and he didn't really look like ava, and i was taking care of him. i fed him and dressed him and patted him on the back and snuggled with him. . .i woke from that dream feeling peaceful and excited. and then i remembered: three more months! oh the torture!

a difference i have noticed between fetus ava and fetus seth: fetus ava moved around a lot more as if she were uncomfortable (sort of mirroring how i sleep at night, i think). she was constantly rolling and stretching and pushing. seth's movements are more active and then peaceful, as if he plays for a little bit and then sleeps. it's hard to explain.


Manda said...

Since going home for the weekend, I've had four dreams about being pregnant or giving birth or having a child. It's really kind of freaking me out...

I'm so excited for baby Seth. So very excited!

Amber Marie said...

I can't believe you are approaching 30 weeks! Time flies when you aren't the one pregnant I guess :) I remember those last 10 weeks going by really fast. You need to post some profile tummy pics :) please?!?

Kari and Robert said...

Miriam! ok so i have a boring office job, and i just read alot of your blog and it makes me miss you so much! your little family is amazing...

Sarah said...

Hang in there.