Friday, February 27, 2009


going on day 5 of intense and wicked headache. anyone have any suggestions? because i'm getting desperate.

there is also this, which is an article about wanting a stay at home husband. this makes me think several things.

thing 1: it isn't about the quantity of time, but the quality. my dad's a lawyer and i have never felt like i didn't get to know him well, see him often, spend time with him, etc. my dad is very, very, very good at quality time. and ryan is also good at this. he comes home, changes and spends the entire evening playing with the children and helping put them to bed. he is a quality dad.

thing 2: i can't remember what thing 2 is anymore. if you have an idea, let me know.


redstarmama said...

My dad's migraine doctor used to tell him to lie down and put something cold on your head and something warm on your feet. I think the idea was to draw the blood from the head, easing the headache. Not sure how sound the theory is, but it does work.

Crystal said...

I was going to say that I don't think I want a stay-at-home husband, but I realized that sounded like I don't like my husband, which is not true. I'll have to think about this some more and figure out what the real reasons are.

Erica said...

something cold on your head or neck could work (the first comment is sound, we learned it in my hydrotherapy class)

Get Ryan to put his palms under your head and his fingers in your suboccipitals and straighten his fingers so your head is resting on them, then as your suboccipitals relax your head will fall into his palms. This can help if you can understand the directions...

tara said...

Vicodin works every time for me. Or hydrocodene with caffeine. I like my cocktails strong.

Liz said...

Extra strength Excedrin. Love it. Hate headaches. So sorry!