Wednesday, May 14, 2008

it's here!

i'm holding in my little hands the fruit of my labors (other labors, not ava). since january, as most of you know, i've been sitting down with a bunch of cocky college students and arguing about fiction and poetry (i've won nearly every argument i've cared to win, by the way. ryan is very impressed with me). and, as of yester-evening, i have my very own copy of the moorpark review. and it is bee-yoo-tee-full. and i'm in it.

i'm proud of my work. i love my little magazine.


Amber Marie said...

sweet, congrads. is there an online version to peruse?

Sarah said...

I was just wondering about the magazine! How can I get a copy? P.S. I updated my blog just for you! :)

redstarmama said...

Nice! Congratulations on your magazine and your victories over the students. That's truly impressive.

Freckles said...

Congrats on your achievements! You should post some of your work for all of us! please, please...

Hernan+ said...

I jsut looked at it on line.. it still not ther etho

Miriam Herm said...

the online version won't be up until about saturday. i'll put the link up. i'm not featured in the online version, though. that is a whole separate project and has an editor who does all of that stuff.