Thursday, February 4, 2010

little white lies

me: so, ava, tell me what you did yesterday while i was gone!

ava: we went to the park and played. then it got dark! and daddy and sethy went home. and i stayed.

ryan: yeah. i let ava walk home from the park. by herself. in the dark. i was like, "come home when you're ready".

ava: yeah. so i did. all by myself.

this is why i'm afraid to let her go to a class by herself. because one time? she told her teacher that "my mom is so mad at my dad but she still loves him".

i can foresee so much embarrassment in my near future.


Brittany said...

Isn't total embarrassment exactly what motherhood is all about? Can I just say that I was shy until I had children and now there is no possible way to mbe shy...and so the whole world knows about everything and that is the way my kids like it:)

Amber Marie said...

yes, after her obama comments? i can see you will have many "explaining to the teacher" moments in your future!